Pure Turkey Calls
After the success of our first "Pure Turkey DVD" last year we've
decided to up the ante this year and start offering a series of
mouth calls.
The new website is:
A lot of you will recognize a few of the names and styles of the
calls from BTD... but we've changed some of calls and the names, and
introduced a new call... "Ol' Three Toes"
For a limited time I'm offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders just for
the VA Turkey.com family.
If you have any questions about the calls you can email me @
In years past we've always done a fundraiser for VA Turkey.com...
Well, this is the fundraiser for this this year. Provided this
season goes well, we might begin to offer some additional calls next
year. Also, I still have a few DVD's left and you can purchase those
on the new website as well.
Thanks to each and everyone of you for your continued support!
VA Turkey.com thanks
you for your support!