finally got my brother in law on a good buck
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Author:  armyguy24523 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Some of yall may remember me talking about my brother in law before. He has never really had much education or help with hunting. Last turkey season we had some trouble with him tensing up on the trigger pull and has been cursed with misses on deer and turkey. Last deer season he got his first doe and boy was he happy but all I have heard was how he wanted a buck. I have taught him so much from skinning and cleaning to a good stalk. I got him into bow hunting and went out and bought a new bow. Well he didnt have much luck. He saw deer at a distance but he was really starting to get down on himself which I was as well. I have worked my butt off on my own hunting and his trying to find him deer. I posted my 9 point on here last week and of course that made his hunger even greater. I knew where another 9 point was but really couldnt pattern due to the rut. But I knew the area well and knew where a bunch of does were early in the morning. So saturday I took him out and we sat under a big single oak on a ridge. Behind us was a big hay field and infront about 100 yds was a clear cut where the does stayed. Usually at day light we see the group of does come out of the clear cut but after 30 minutes of daylight we had not even seen a squirell. I started to think the curse lived on when next thing I heer a deer running from behind us right at us. I turn real slowly and see a nice buck coming right ar us. I wisper shooter. He raises his gun getting ready. When the buck passes us he is at a full run with his nose on the ground. I grunted three times trying to get him to stop. Then I see him slow to a walk at 30 yds infront of us. I look at my brother inlaw and he is shaking like a uunballanced washing machine and I hear BOOOOM. I looked for the buck but couldnt see due to the smoke. Then I see him running for the thicket. The buck went out of sight. My brother in law went to get up and I told him to sit and lets wait. I could not keep him quite. Haha. So I said lets go look for blood. Luckly there was still frost on the ground. Qyickly we found really good blood. Then I started teaching him. We examined everything. I showed him color of the blood and knew right away it was liver. He kept praying to find the deer. I had to calm him and remind him to stay alert on the blood trail. We tracked 30 yds and I seen white belly but told him to take the lead on tracking. He done good and never looked ahead till we was about 10 yds from the deer. Now he is more like my brother and best friend. He seen the deer and broke down in tears and turned around and hugged me. It was hard to keep my own emotions in check. We have worked so hard together. Its been a long struggle but finally we got it done together. We approached the buck with tears and smiles. Whats even more special is his and mine looked like twins. His was slightly wider. But same points. We sat there for a while reflecting. We have both lost family and its been a hard year on us both. We took the buck to the landowner and thanked him and took him home and proccesed everything and I taught him to cape it out. First buck for him and a worthy mount. I tell ya the lord works in so many different ways and im thankful for the lifetime memories.


Author:  Freddy [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Congrats to you both on a great hunt and great story!

Author:  Doug [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Great job to the both of yal!!


Author:  CavMan11 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Congrats to both. Great story

Author:  Bird Dog [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Big congrats, Trials make it all the more sweeter.

Author:  Dale [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Awesome story and awesome buck! Congrats and high fives all around!!

Author:  Vic [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Great job!


Author:  WVBOY [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Congrats to you both.. good job passing it along..

Author:  beardbuster84 [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: finally got my brother in law on a good buck

Awesome, job to you both hats off to you for sticking it out an getting your brother-in-law a nice buck.

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