Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!
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Author:  jstchln71 [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

First off..... is anybody else experiencing ZERO roost gobbling?? Two straight days, I have heard NO turkeys gobbling on roost! Not sure whats going on there, any thoughts? Anways....

This morning, I went to where I saw that second strutter yesterday after I killed my bird! I just knew with no wind and knowing a bird should be near by, he'd be going crazy!! Nope... nothing.... what soever!! I decided to leave and try to find one since I didnt have much time, because I have to get ready for church. I headed to a power line that is known to have birds, and while walking to my spot, he gobbles!!! Ok... burd gobbling on the ground by himself.... game on..... i wanted to get on the other side of the power line because of its thickness and i stepped on a limb accidentally. GOBBLE!!! Ohhh crap.. hes coming just to my footsteps... i sit straight down at the only place I could, and GOBBLE!!!! Hes in range out of sight... I make one soft call and he goes crazy!! Triple gobbles and seems to be running now.. im scanning waiting.. watching.... and then I see his fan about 20 steps behind a laurel bush... spitting and drumming.. and gobbling his fo head off!! I try a couple soft calls and he continues to go nuts... hes directly behind that laurel bush, at 7 step!! I can just see his shadow through the bush, (yes it was that thick) i scratch the leaves to my right.... he gobbles... this goes on for about 10 minutes... but he's not moving to the left or right of this bush.... he finally realizes this hen is not walking around this bush... he does an about face and goes straight away, gobbling every other step.... i finally see him out of range down the ridge and going up the other side... ended up being 2 of them!! Ohhh they drive me crazy!!!

Author:  tut [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

Zero roost gobbling yesterday. They are there, but they must have hens on the same limb they are on. My buddy is out this morning and heard a few, but they gobbled a few times and were done. Hens baby, hens.

Author:  skimerhorn [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

I'm hearing good roost gobbling, just a lack of ground gobbling

Author:  DBLGBL [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

They hammered this morning on the roost, Heard at least 8 birds gobbling. Gobbled good on the ground but
had to call the hens in to finish the game. Also worked a bird that gobbled on his own yesterday at 9am.


Author:  Squoose [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

Yesterday there were 5-6 gobblers hanging together still. They were the only ones to sound off at first light, though they did so with vigor. Gobbled well all morning.

Different county this morning and only one bird sounded off at first light. Usually hear 4-10 there. Tight lipped on the property I could hunt.

Definitely feels early in the breeding cycle.


Author:  Birdman311 [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

I only heard two birds total gobbling on the roost yesterday at AP Hill. Hopefully the warmer morning temps the next few days will get them fired up!

Author:  jstchln71 [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ahhhhhh the roller coaster ride of turkey hunting!!!

Maybe its just my place with the roost gobbling!! My schedule at work changed last summer, so i dont get alot of time to hunt anymore, I'm unfortunately going to have to settle to be a weekend warrior!! But im gonna live vicariously through yalls hunts to get me through the week!!

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