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Author:  beardbuster84 [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Pressure

I was wanting to know if barometer pressure has any thing to do with gobbling in the spring whether it's low pressure or a high pressure front will increase or decrease gobbling activity? I know when it comes to deer hunting i have noticed when the barometer starts dropping from 30's to 29's deer began moving more. Any other pressure theory's when it comes to turkey hunting I have had nice pretty calm morning's when you think the birds will lite the woods up an not a peep, then go an it be a chilly cold morning an birds screaming everywhere.

Author:  Greyghost [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pressure

I don't know of any studies done on that for turkeys other then ones own experiences and opinions. Even reviewing some of the top published turkey biologists in the Symposium books, and others by Sanderson, Dickson, Bailey, Mosby, Scholtz, Williams, Seamster, Eaton, Bevil etc. I could not find really anything that constantly triggers gobbling. There seems to be a few variables involved.

You said it all in your last sentence.

I just hunt everyday I can no matter the weather conditions, fronts, wind directions, rain, snow, sleet etc. I just adjust to the conditions once out there and what the turkeys may be doing given the conditions and experiences I have had over the years, and then make it work the best I can.

Folks that I know that believe 100% in the pressure are left at times scratching there heads.

I have kept records over the years on all that but finally came to the conclusion one may never understand it and that will be fine by me adding to the mystic of turkey's.

But a great subject and point to bring up. Thanks.


Author:  beardbuster84 [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pressure

I was thinking that all animals have sum kind of effect on High an low pressure fronts. I know we as humans when there is shift in pressure changes are effected Sum way like my dad for example has had à couple back surgerys an when weather starts to change he will start getting sore all over, it may be that birds as in turkeys may not be effected by this i would only assume if you have to live outside all the time your body would be keen to weather changes. This spring gobbler season ill keep à gobbling log book an record weather,temp.,pressure on activity. I do know say like march when turkeys begin there breeding cycle you get alot more gobbling then when they start there dominace or picking order it seems to quite down à bit.

Author:  hawglips [ Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pressure

I've heard folks say it's the 2nd day after a front passes when you can expect good gobbling.

Author:  Gobblenow [ Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pressure

Only thing certain is that they gobble when they feel like it. And sometimes thay gobble when they dont feel like it and really dont want to gobble but cant help
Themselves--- like when something makes them shock gobble :lol: i like the latter birds a lot.

Author:  beardbuster84 [ Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pressure

I noticed the other day rite before that snow hit Tuesday afternoon every field on the way home where i have seen turkeys before in the past there where turkeys in them. I looked at my phone an pressure was at 29.78, i'm not sure my theory?? But it could mean we had a good hatch last spring an its going to be a pretty productive spring.

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