My Lab
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Author:  vabirdhunter [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  My Lab

Hey guys, have any of yall ever had a dog that suffers from seizures.
My lad “Sadie” got sick about three weeks ago, we thought maybe she had gotten a hold of a dead mice or something like that. The vets ran a few tests, but never really found any reason for the sickness. I thought she was having a heart attack because one minute she was fine and the next thing I knew she was shaking could not hold her balance, and nervous system seemed all out of control. In about an hour she seemed ok, but the vets kept her over night. $450.00 later, no reason for the sickness, other than it was believed she got into something. Everything seemed back to normal until 5 this morning when she had the same symptom, just not as bad and only for about five minutes. Have any of yall ever ran in to this?
I hate running her to the vet every time this take place, all they did last time was kept her comfortable, gave her fluids, and a 12 hour stay.
Any thoughts

Author:  WVBOY [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

yes.. I have had both Hunting dogs and house dogs that had seizures ..

The worst was my two Long Haired Dauschunds .. they got them it seemed at least once every couple of months .. never lasted more then a few minutes though .. You can put them on a prescription but it gets pricey.. I researched it and it is more common than you think, and unless they are severe and happens once or twice a week the meds were just too expensive to justify for me..

Author:  hungupVT [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

My parents have a dog that had them all the time. They spent lots and lots of money on testing a medecations etc. Protein from human foods ended up being the cause. They quit feeding it meat and scraps etc at the dinner table and the seizures stopped. May not be the reason your dog suffers from them but figured I'd chime in. It had something to do with his liver not being able to proccess it.

Author:  Econo [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

My Golden is 11 years old. about 5 years ago she had a couple seizers, and never has had anymore?

Author:  brwndg [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

Tim, oddly enough, i think we got our dogs around the same time. My yellow lab female just turned 5 on Feb. 28. She started having seizures 2 1/2 years ago. They got pretty regular and then they became very severe and frequent. Did the overnight at the vets on "seizure watch" twice. Very expensive. They started her on Potassium bromide after here first cluster seizure that lasted almost 40 mins.
A month later she was still having seizures, although not as severe they were getting worse each time. They started her on Phenobarbitol and she has been doing great since. Seizure free since June 2010.
She hasn't really had any lifestyle changes. Since starting her on meds she has passed AKC Senior Hunt Tests, gone dove hunting & still does all the things she did prior to the onset.
We ran through the gamut of testing and nothing was ever discovered. Final diagnosis: Idiopathic Canine Epilepsy
It requires dosing twice a day (we just stick the pills in a small piece of turkey hot dog and she sucks it down) but I never want to see her have one of those cluster seizures again. Brutal to watch any dog suffer that, but ten times harder when it's your baby.
If your vet is a good one, they should be treating her appropriately.
Good luck, and keep us posted.
Tim & Boo

Author:  LOC8EM [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

Did they check the dog for lyme disease?? My parents lab suffered from seizure activity that would come and go at different times.

Author:  huntingwhoas [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

I'm sure you've probably already searched the internet but here's a site I found: ... -dogs.html

Author:  vabirdhunter [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

Thanks guys. It's hard to watch. Brings back bad memories when Oak went down. His illness came on fast and 3 days later we put him down. Vets never could tell us the reason. In his case his back legs just went. He went from running/walking to wobbleing to draggin his hind legs. All this in 1 1/2 days. Sadie and Oak are totally different dogs. She is calm, head on your leg, always wanting to please. Oak was a ball of fire, hunting was his passion,the dog had drive, but was as hard headed as anything I ever seen. We had many arguements haha. I can just look at Sadie and she melts. The dog thinks my wife is the other women haha. I'm not joking.

Any how,I will watch her and hope this is just something minor.

Blessing to all,looking out my office window thinking the fire station might have to do without me today.


Author:  Vic [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Lab

5 years back or so they had bad dog food, ingredients from China, what a surprise. Anyway it caused kidney failure. Might want to check on the dog food you are using to make sure it isn't the culprit. Also other environmental things can cause this, pesticides, fertilizers, and such. If she drinks out of puddles that could cause it. I think I even read once about termites can have an effect because when the eat they excrete bad stuff. Make sure you house is okay.

Again, it could just be a latent issue specific to your dog like hip displasia. Hope it doesn't get any worse or even better it just goes away all together. Keep us posted. Good luck.


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