Custom box call question
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Author:  wingshooter [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Custom box call question

whats up guys,
I am looking into getting a new box call, im looking for something thats not totally mass produced. but not something necessarily built just for me either. not something to expensive i'd like to stay around $50-$60 if possible but it doesnt have to cost that, sometimes less is more right :wink:? i'm just looking for a good box call, nothing fancy.just a box call that sounds like a turkey dont really care what it looks like,not really a fan of long box's though. im a bit rough on my stuff so durability is a must, if the best box is one thats mass produced thats fine too. im just looking for your feedback and experience, i've always just been a mouth call kind of guy, but im looking to expand and figured that you guys would be the people to ask. Thanks alot!

Author:  Greyghost [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

WS, a custom box call or any thing custom is a little expensive. With the exception of a scratch box or pot call a regular box call is anywhere from $100 and up. But with that said, then you may get a lot of opinions whos is best. One recomendation I can give you and this is based on years of owning many and playing many that one of the easiest playing and best sounding to me has been the Albert Paul's box call. I at one time had 5 of them but since have been lucky enough to purcase a couple Frank Cox boxes that to me is the best. 3 of my Paul's calls were sold to close friends and 2 went to my granchildren. Like I said there are many goods ones out there but if not for owning a Cox box I would have a Paul in my vest. Below is a link to his web site and the page for his field grade. Although more then what you wanted to spend maybe it will give you a place to start looking.

If you were close to me I would have you over and play one of the grandkids first and something I have always preached is for anyone wanting to buy a custom call is be able to play one themselves first before ordering. The best place is at shows and the NWTF convention. Believe me I have been down the path of ordering one and then not met my expectations. Some will run their calls for you over the phone or have a soundfile somewhere Ytube, etc. but again a lot of times after listening that way the call does not sound the same once you receive it due to the recording or where they are playing it at. Always run your calls outdoors with a friend standing 50 yards or so away and get very good feedback that way and how the pitch, tone sound.

Hope I did not bore you, best to you this season.


Author:  Greyghost [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

Sorry forgot to add that one of the better non-custom box's I heard was a couple guys I heard play one and played it myself was a Mads Cherry Bomb. Again though not all non-custom calls will sound the same it is best to run one before purchasing. Below is a link for your review. ... urkey-call


Author:  TScottW99 [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

It is always best to try and run a few before purchase if at all possible. I have bought some real lemons over the internet in the past. I also have several great ones from the internet. I really like my Ron Clough Close Calls long box that I got for a great price. He has his own webpage...

Ron and a bunch of others sell their calls on which is a dream catalog for turkey hunters.

Author:  tut [ Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

No idea on these, but they look nice: ... ost2604585

Author:  hendup [ Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

Ditto on the Ron Clough Close Calls box. I've got two and love em

Author:  wingshooter [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

Thanks fellas all of this stuff looks great. im still looking at alot of calls, its tough for me to choose because i dont have any stores local that i could run a call. and i guess none of my hunting buddies use box calls, because not one of them owns one :cry:. together we all could probably buy brand new trucks with the money we have spent in mouth calls, i guess im the only one looking outside the "box" :smt003

Author:  Gobblenow [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

I have used some BTD box calls Max had a few years ago, and was impressed with them , especially considering the cost. I carry a custom Lamar Willaims box and a custom Darrel Dawkins box most all days now, but the bTD is something I carry when I know I have to hit rough stuff in the mountains where a call is more likely to get busted (ie, sat on)...hahha. I will say this , and you can take it for what its worth, it is the "hands" and not the "call" in most instances that make a great turkey call, in any friction type call.

Author:  Earl [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

Wingshooter, I’ll chime in here and give you another opinion based on what I have seen/heard over the years. First, there are some very very very good call makers out there, several of who have been named in the posted replies already. Two of the more respected are Lamar Williams of Starke Florida and Darrin Dawkins of Rock Hill, S.C. You will most likely pay much more than $50 to get one of their boxes, and more importantly, have to get on a waiting list in excess of a couple years if they are to build one specifically for you. Well worth the wait and cost if you want a call that will most likely increase in value and become a heirloom you could pass down to your kids. The trick with these guys is they make a limited number of calls, if it doesn't "play" it does not leave their shop... PERIOD.

Some of the other “custom” call makers are easier to get a call from in a short time frame (usually already have some made up) and their calls sound and look excellent. Two of my favorite call makers are Jerry White, “Dad’s Custom calls in Hazelhurst GA and David Halloran in Great Valley, NY. Their calls look and sound as good as any out there, and again you can normally get one in a timely manner. Their hand made short checkered boxes run around $100 and quite sure they will work with you on the sound and help you select one that you like. The thing to keep in mind, no matter who builds these custom calls….. Lamar, Darrin, Jerry, David, or some other well known call maker, each box has their individual sound and no two are exactly alike. The sound is part of what makes them special, that, and the hand craftsmanship these individuals put into their calls. Again, the main thing with dealing with this caliber of call maker is you can rest assured they will not send a call out of their shops that doesn’t have turkey in it.

Lastly, you don’t have to have a custom box call to have one that sounds pure turkey. The BTD call that Max marketed a few years back was very inexpensive and I played many of them that sounded as good as any call (regardless of what you pay for it) that you could buy. Same can be said of many of the mass produced calls. Case in point, I have been fortunate enough to get my hands on numerous box calls from some of the better known call makers and to this day I still hunt with a field grade Quaker Boy box that I hand tuned many years ago. It sounds as much like a real turkey as any of the custom calls that I have, or have ever heard. It is not nearly as pretty or as valuable (except to me and a few of my close hunting companions) as one of the custom made calls.

Good luck with what ever box you choose!

Author:  tut [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom box call question

Gobblenow wrote:
I have used some BTD box calls Max had a few years ago, and was impressed with them , especially considering the cost. I carry a custom Lamar Willaims box and a custom Darrel Dawkins box most all days now, but the bTD is something I carry when I know I have to hit rough stuff in the mountains where a call is more likely to get busted (ie, sat on)...hahha. I will say this , and you can take it for what its worth, it is the "hands" and not the "call" in most instances that make a great turkey call, in any friction type call.

Yep. I had a BTD in Kansas a few years ago. Killed a gobbler using it the first evening. The next morning I sat on it and broke off half of the paddle. :(

Nice sounding call and I actually bought it from Max at the Fishersville show that spring.

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