getin in shape
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Author:  Doug [ Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  getin in shape

Well with turkey season just around the corner i decided a month ago to try to shed some pounds and do some walking to get in a little bit of shape for gobbler season! Not as young as i use to be so have to do this so it will help me during the season. Does anyone else do this? Don't really mind the walking its the not eating the food that taste good thats starting to get to me :lol:


Author:  Neill [ Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

Yes, this time of year is tough for my waist line! Several years ago I could eat as much of whatever and not worry about it. Now, I have to be real careful. And it's Dec-Mar that I put on 10-15 #. I have been putting in 30 min cardio every day, but really need to cut back on the calories more than anything.

It only gets worse with age.

Author:  beardbuster84 [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

Find a buddy with some good rabbit dogs, there's tons of walking involed with that sport what i have to do to get in shape for turkey season is the whole gettin up at 4:30 in the morning an getting myself in gear without forgetting anything, get my body clock set an the rest will follow..

Author:  Vic [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

So Doug/Neil, round isn't the kind of shape you want to be in? :D

I try to walk multiple days per week all year. This year has been real tough with working away from home. I am down in D.C. and to try and keep it going I walk to get groceries and such. It is about a mile away and I use a rucksack to bring the groceries back. Not the best exercise but better than nothing. Neil, I use to eat pretty much anything too but age is a harsh mistriss and I can put 10 lbs on in a week. Wish it came off as easily as it goes on. This year I hit the 50th b-day. I am sure it will get even worse. 30 seemed to be the year when it started getting tougher to stay in shape.


Author:  takeaim1st [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

Usually by the end of deer season I am in reasonably good shape. I try to walk enough to maintain the conditioning from that . If you hunt the kind of topo I hunt it is a requirement not an elective. I wonder how many of the other guys have shot a gobbler, then have him flop 50-75 yds.
down the side of the ridge. Just about the time you reach to pick him up he flops and rolls another 10- 15 yds. The plus side is , you have a Tom in hand, although by the time you top up , your sure he weighs 30 lbs and in reality he weighs more like 18-19.

Author:  Doug [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

beardbuster84 wrote:
Find a buddy with some good rabbit dogs, there's tons of walking involed with that sport what i have to do to get in shape for turkey season is the whole gettin up at 4:30 in the morning an getting myself in gear without forgetting anything, get my body clock set an the rest will follow..

I do have a good buddy with rabbit dogs my Son!! I've only been once so far this year but planning on going saturday! I have a daughter who plays bball so most of my saturdays have been tied up!


Author:  4DBird [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

I get to walk at work!!!!

Author:  playin' hookey [ Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: getin in shape

My fitness usually takes a hit from deer season (spent mostly in a treestand) and the Christmas season and I have found that working out this time of year helps a lot with my enjoyment of spring turkey hunting. It also helps my energy at work in the afternoons when I have gotten up early and hunted in the morning.

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