Flea & Tick Killer
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Author:  tdkennels [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Flea & Tick Killer

My turkey dog had a big tick right behind her ear, 8 days after applying the pesticide to her back. Anyone know of an alternative? When I took my new puppy to the Vet, he said the word is out that ticks are getting immune to Frontline. Today I see this, FYI Nice relationship with the ASPCA.

Author:  strutstopper [ Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Been using Frontline Plus for years and years. Have had 1 dog that I know of come down w/ Lymes Disease & Erlichia (another tick borne disease). Having 40 rabbit beagles over the years, it's no doubt that we hunt & run in some of the most tick infested areas you can find. I've got nothing but good things to say about Frontline Plus. My vet said you can apply every 3 weeks vice applying every 4 like they say.

Author:  strutstopper [ Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Also, I'm not familiar w/ what you're using but make sure the dog hasn't gotten wet before & after applying. Make sure you apply the correct amt. I purchase the 12 month supply for XL dogs & split each one 4 ways for my beagles (20-25 lbs.)

Author:  Gobblenow [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

the article looks like an ad for a class-action lawyer to a lot of class action lawsuits, this one is probabaly BS imo ....STUPID CLASS ACTION LITIGATI0N COSTS THIS COUNTRY MILLIONS MILLIONS AND MILLIONS EVERY YEAR. 2 cents

Author:  bird_dog07 [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  K9 Advantix

I personally didn't have much luck with Frontline products and I live in tick-heavy eastern VA. K9 Advantix has been the best for me. Cheapest prices are on

Author:  Vic [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

I am no expert on this but I would think that these products work better for some animals than others. It is my understanding that what these things do is distribute an insecticide through the fatty tissue just under the skin after being absorbed through the skin. If you have a dog that is extra lean or if the insecticide doesn't have time to absorb through the skin it wouldn't be as effective. Some animals may not absorb it as well. Others may break it down once in the system faster than others and its effectiveness wears off sooner. Each dog is an individual and it just depends. Most I talk to really like the product, I am surprised they haven't come out with one for people. Probably an FDA thing.

Agree with GN about the add. Someone might be trolling for money. I live in Baltimore and we have the great DeAngelos who owns the Orioles. He made millions off of asbestos. Understand they should help people if their product is faulty, but think the lawyers get more than their fair share. Another example, he sued tobacco companies for the state of MD. He won $1.5 billion or so. The state thought him getting $400 million was too much and only gave him 100. He sues them and got the other $300 million. Did he do a service, yes. should he get that kind of money, no, should the state, no. Litigation is going to make this country fall, hence the current state of affairs. Sorry, getting off of soap box.


Author:  tdkennels [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Just saying, there's considerable suspicion. I applied Frontline properly 9 months of the year (for 7 years) and recorded it each time. This June my dog was diagnosed with Anaplasmosis (a tick borne disease), which meant a month of antibiotics. Then in October she had a bacterial infection, secondary to an internal or parasitic disease (maybe Erlichia or Lymes?). Expensive treatments for something Frontline should prevent?

Seems rather unbelievable, that by applying a neurotoxin pesticide on their shoulders, it covers the whole dog, without getting in their bloodstream (but the ticks have to suck the blood to get it?). Just buy more each month and reapply, but does it cause cancer? Neurotoxins means it is made to adversely affect function in nervous tissue. It affects the ticks nervous system, but not the dogs? I know some dogs that detest having it applied, they will try and hide when they smell it. Like they know how bad it is for their system.

There is far more medication and testing for Lymes on dogs than humans. I'm sure it's because the FDA would never allow the application of pesticides to humans. But dogs are expendable. And Frontline is a highly profitable item for Vets. When I asked (that Vet) if he heard of ticks becoming immune to Frontline, he strongly defended the pesticide application. Now a different Vet office told me ticks are becoming immune to Frontline. There's more to this story than first meets the eye. Check out the first 2 results for a Google of this: veterinarians diverting frontline

Author:  tdkennels [ Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Talked to the new Vet yesterday about an alternative Flea & Tick treatment. He said Frontline is still the best available. The pesticide does stay just under the skin, it doesn't get in a dogs bloodstream (it'd do the same thing on a human). And the tick doesn't have to suck the dogs blood to get killed, it acquires it when inserting it's cutting mandibles into the hide of the dog. He said Merial now added Certifect to the mix (because ticks were becoming immune to frontline). Seems like a lot of chemicals to put on a dog (amitraz, fipronil, methoprene).
But then these pesticides are much more widely used in the food chain than any of us are ever aware of.
Not sure if it has to be applied differently (needed March through November in WI), so I'll find out in March: "a topical formulation applied to two places on a dog’s neck: at the base of the skull and between the shoulder blades where the dog cannot lick."

Author:  TScottW99 [ Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

I listen to way too much talk radio with my job, especially in the late night hours. I have been hearing a show talking about a natural spray for pets called Cedar Cide. No clue how good it is but might be another alternative....

Author:  Vic [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Interesting, didn't think about cedars. No insects eat cedar trees for a reason, maybe oil from that tree will be a good natural insect killer/repellant. Thanks TScott.

Author:  tdkennels [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Thanks for that TScott. I sent numerous questions on the product to the company today, will let you know what they say.

Author:  tdkennels [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

Sorry for the delay. Here's my questions, with their replies in "Quotes" and Bold:

I've been researching natural, non-toxic alternatives to Frontline for mine and our members hunting dogs. The biggest deterrent I see to your product is the inconvenience of having to apply this daily or weekly to hunting dogs (which are more exposed to ticks and fleas than non-hunting dogs) and forgetting to do it often enough. I read where your site says: BEST YET is considered a contact killer.

"The objective is to apply a mist or spray directly on the flea or in the alternative, close enough to him that he can breathe the mist from the sprayer." We suggest that you spray the dog all over liberally and u can rub it in but what happens is if they flea or tick comes in contact with the product it wall kill them on contact but the product will dry and dissipate but keep working for about a week. When the flea or tick leaves the area it is in it will at that time come in contact with the product and then kill them.. After that it will repel them. Feel free to spray them light ALL over legs, tail, underneath their body"

But spraying it on a pest isn't the same as it being sprayed on a dog, a few days or a week before the dog comes in contact with the pest. "Before and after will still work"

Would your material be effective when incorporated into a dog bed, so the dog's body is absorbing the smell every night? Or sprayed inside of a small kennel with a dogbed inside? "Yes you can spray their sleeping area. The Best Yet product is safe for people, pets and indoors… Feel free to spray anywhere you fell those pesky creatures are, furniture, carpets etc …"

Or would it be feasible/affordable to have a dog swim through a diluted bath of the product, or have foggers or misters running in the kennels? "You do not want to dilute the product or the end result will not be in effective"

I read the MSDS and it seems inhaling the smell has not been determined to be detrimental to humans, but what about to a dog's nose? "It should not bother them.. Just don’t spray in their nasal area u can spray in your hand and rub in on the front face area"

Also, which of these would be best to replace Frontline, to control both fleas and ticks: "Best Yet for indoors and PCO Choice concentrate for your yard"

BEST YET NON TOXIC TICK KILLING SPRAY QUART $29.95 "They are both the same product ! It’s used for several different things. It’s also used to kill Bed Bugs, but with fogging method, kills head lice, mosquito repellant for people …etc"

Do you have any data on the effectiveness of Best Yet when applied to hunting dogs? Here in Wisconsin, we have to protect the dogs 9 months out of the year, primarily from diseases carried by wood and deer ticks. "We also have a product called Best Yet Industrial, which contains 20% cedar oil as compared to the Best Yet which has 10% but the cost is 125.00 per gal as compared to regular Best Yet for 99.95. But I guarantee you will be much happier with the results if you purchase the Industrial. It can only be purchase by calling the number 1-800-842-1464 to place your order or speak to a representative for any additional concerns.. as it is not available online."

Author:  Coalman [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flea & Tick Killer

We switched from Frontline to Advantix II. Ticks and fleas be gone. :D

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