Still no luck!!!
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Author:  reed [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Still no luck!!!

Well i just thought that i would say hey....been kinda busy between work and hunting......i Havent killed one yet but i have had a good season so far.......I could have took a 45 yard shot at one that was in full strut last weekend but he was comeing to me and i dont like to shoot them in strut that far away......he got behinda little thicket and then here comes a hen and she took him away without offering a good rather him walk away fine than to risk a ify shot and injure him....anyway just thought id give an kinda begining to get a little worried i might not be successful this year but i thank the good lord that we have turkeys and a season to hunt them.......good luck to everyone the rest of the year and i hope the good LORD will bless me with one this year!!!!! :D

Author:  Dale [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Keep after them Reed. Remember, it's all about the game. A harvest is just the dessert. Sometimes, a good meal fills us up without dessert! Sooner or later, you gonna want dessert though! Enjoy the pursuit and have fun. Don't let the monkey hang around too long!

Author:  Tburt [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:17 pm ]
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You got to see a mature bird strutting as close as 45 yards in the wild, you have already been successful. I agree with your shot selection! Keep after them! Effort increases reward! Plenty of time left, there are 3 saturdays still! Best of luck to you.

Author:  Turkenator [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't get down reed ...Hang in there! ...Everything that dale said is right! ...I, myself, had a very tough season and was having those same thoughts, but if you'll read my 'true hunt of a lifetime' entry, it may help you see what may be in store for you as well! ...Either way, im glad you got to experience what you have thus far, and to be quite honest, with the cold spell and rain we've had, i really believe the best hunting is still yet to come! ...good luck to ya my friend :!:

Author:  peacemaker [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 12:53 am ]
Post subject: 


Way to go on the shot decision. That takes character, it really does-and respect for the quarry. I commend you for it!!

I pray the Lord wil eventually bless you with some 'dessert' this season!! PLEASE do the same for me!! I've had some truly thrilling moments in the turkey woods thus far this season, but no german chocolate cake yet!! Here's hopin' . . . and prayin' . . . for us both!!

You're right though, I'm so thankful that we have turkeys now and a season to hunt them. It's an amazing sport.

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