The Jake, Two Year Old, and Old Warrior
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Author:  Max [ Mon May 15, 2006 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  The Jake, Two Year Old, and Old Warrior

For some people hunting can be defined as a hobby, they go into the field to leave stress and worries of daily life behind. Their agenda is simple and their motivation is to leave it all behind for a day, a weekend, or a week or two. While I FULLY understand and AGREE with the reasons mentioned above. I would be lying to God, you and my own self if I said they were the only reasons I hunt. To define why I hunt is not easy or is it cut and dried. I know I find myself reliving moments of my youth revolving around mentors who have long since been called home as I send time in the woods. I think of how blessed I have been and still am. My mind drifts back over memories both good and sad that have happened on pervious outings since my first hunt with my father at age nine. I have realized over time what hunting is to me and that it is the greatest blessing (next to sending Jesus for our sins) I have ever received. The lessons God places for each of us to learn and understand in the woods are everywhere. I remember killing (Sorry I will not disrespect the animal or its life by saying harvest to be politically correct, I owe the animal way more than that)
My first deer, aw what a beautiful doe. I remember sitting in the leaves of Highland Co. holding her head and petting her soft hide marveling at her beauty. I will never forget the realization that I came to that day. We (by God) were given the power to choose what lives and what dies. I remember asking this question to the men in our camp as I went thru the initiation of a young mans first deer. I remember how they all stopped the fun and games and explained to me the responsibility of taking life, any life.
I have learned much since then. I have been blessed with the health and learned the skills that have placed many nice species of animals in my sights. Some have lived to see me again , many have made it to my dinner table, and a few grace my walls. Sometimes we forget certain things or lose focus of why we do them. It is no different with hunting. This spring God used a jake , a two year old, and an old long beard to remind me of this fact. My wife called in her first bird on her own (the jake) and when Ryan and I rushed to her side what I saw in her eyes was God saying remember!
Less than a week later my wife insisted she run the camera as I called in a eager two year old which gave us quite a show. Sharing it with her is something I pray each of you will feel at least once in your lives.
A funeral for a landowner I had knew and hunted on all my life made me remember the chapter in Tom Kelly’s book called “an Afternoon on the Handlesâ€

Author:  Gobblenow [ Mon May 15, 2006 2:27 pm ]
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Author:  WVBOY [ Mon May 15, 2006 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

You said it all brother..

Author:  barry [ Mon May 15, 2006 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  the jake, two year old, and old warrior

Gobblenow wrote:

AMEN again.

Like Gobblenow this is the first word that came to me after reading your post Max.
While reading it I had visions of my hunting past flash before me.
Yes we do kill animals but the so called "animal lovers" will never know the respect that we as hunters have for God's creatures.


Author:  hendup [ Mon May 15, 2006 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great post. Well said

Author:  T.W. [ Mon May 15, 2006 5:44 pm ]
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Not every one can put feelings into words like that, most if not all of us i think really appreciate that post, thankyou tw

Author:  Econo [ Mon May 15, 2006 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice post Max, Well said! I think most of us think that way, just can't put it in words as well as you do. Glad you had a great season, well deserved.

Author:  DBLGBL [ Mon May 15, 2006 9:16 pm ]
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Well said.

I often wonder if a lot of the problems in the world today are related to the fact that young adults today never witness life as it ebbs from a beautiful animal. Either wildlife taken by our hand, or live stock to put food on the table. After all these years I still get that weird mixed feeling of sadness and regret when I take an animals life.

There is a 7 year old boy that lives in the house where I frequently park to chase turkeys. His dad and I spend many hours in the duck blind and on trout rivers together. His mother, however, is dead set against anything involving firearms. Last year as I placed a nice gobbler in the truck Zack inquired of the "neat" feathers. I mounted the fan and it now hangs on his bedroom wall. I spoke with his dad only a few minutes ago and he said that Zack is looking forward to having the fan from Saturdays bird. You can bet he will get the present. There just might be a young turkey hunter living in that house.

Author:  CottonTop001 [ Mon May 15, 2006 9:53 pm ]
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Thats a great post Max!!! When I was at the wake of our friend/brother that died this season I had a lot of fond memories of why we do what we do and don't need to apoligize to anyone for it.They had computerized pictures of all of Jamies birds , deer and fish showing all the time during the visit and it really made me realize how full our lives are because we are blessed to see the beauty of GODS great creations.All the things that we enjoy each time out didn't just happen to be out there , it was carefully placed there for our enjoyment . The ANTIS just don't get it and I think that has it's purpose also.Anybody that can't look into a kids eyes when they kill their first animal or catch their first fish and thank GOD is missing something great. "Keep Looking Up"

Author:  Doug [ Mon May 15, 2006 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well said Max!!


Author:  peacemaker [ Mon May 15, 2006 11:43 pm ]
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Well said, Max. I have felt all of those things this season perhaps stronger than ever before. To ponder the cocktail of conflicting emotions at a kill is to truly know what it is to live. The older I get, the more it feels like most of life is somehow like that. And, as hunters, we taste more of that than most.

Great thoughts. Thank you.

Author:  HODY [ Tue May 16, 2006 6:54 am ]
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Great post Max.

Author:  Freddy [ Tue May 16, 2006 7:55 am ]
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Well said buddy...

Author:  Fullback24 [ Tue May 16, 2006 8:08 am ]
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that's a good read......I agree %110....I don't hunt because I want to, I hunt because I have to(I think Tom Kelly said that as well)...sorta like a housecat that sees a mouse scurrying across the floor, instincts tell me to hunt....and I thank God for putting that fire in me, especially for spring gobblers and placing me in an area that I'm able to do this.

Author:  Dale [ Tue May 16, 2006 8:43 am ]
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You definately have a gift Max. Amen. I'd be remiss if I didn't add to your words the fact that the Lord has seen to it that we have all come together here on VATurkey. I feel very blessed to be part of this family and to be among some of the finest people I have every known.

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