Named Gobblers
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Author:  TScottW99 [ Mon May 15, 2006 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Named Gobblers

Was wondering how many of us made the mistake of naming a gobbler this year and he is still alive and well.

I have one in Montgomery county who dodged a load of #5's from a 20 ga on the first week. Went after him several times afterwards, once with Dale, once with HokieGobbler and once with my wife, quite a few times by myself. Was working him on the last week at 60 yards, strutting and gobbling. Only to have a limb break in a tree, fall to the ground and send the longbeard jogging to no man's land. :shock: On the next to the last day I was hunting with my wife and he did his signature one and only one gobble around 11:30 a.m. Several hunderd yards later we were in the area and would not gobble to anything and we had no clue where he was. Bumped him 60 yards away in a small draw.

This bird was driving me crazy this spring. One day he would be roosted high on his ridge, next day low. Then he would change it up on you and then sometimes go middle. He was flip flopping more then a politican on an election year. Not to go political on the board but I did give him the initals of a certain politican J.K. :lol: He likes to flip flop and also made a Joke of me. J.K. seemed to fit him :lol:

Author:  Tburt [ Mon May 15, 2006 5:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Scott,

after that 2004 spring and Short Pump, I never named a bird again. Never will. Gobbler, Longbeard or Tom works well. Just last Friday I heard a bird gobble on Short Pump's Roost site....could......could it be???

See you at the cookout!

Author:  T.W. [ Mon May 15, 2006 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a name for a turkey that stays on the adjacent property, parish, never been able to kill him, or even get him to come over, this year i thought i got him, but it was probally a satellite bird, the next day there he was and back to his old tricks. The parish bird is now 10 years old :lol: and from the looks of it will long outlive me!

Author:  Struttinbird [ Mon May 15, 2006 8:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've named a bunch over the years, two gobble, old sixty yard, ( he knew the range of my shotgun) none this year.
Keep em Gobblin!

Author:  WVBOY [ Tue May 16, 2006 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I didn't name one this year.. like Tburt I hope I have learned my lesson from years past.. I now only name them after my head is on their neck..

Last year I chased one I called Pilot Hooks for two weeks straight then one day he didn't gobble his customary 100 times like usual at me.. I named him Pilot hooks becasue I got him on Film and could tell he had some nice Spurs even from 65 yds away.. well he was never heard from the rest of the season again.. I didn't know what the heck happened.. then after the season I found out that someone killed one with 4 beards and 1 1/4 hooks with a rifle strutting just across the creek from where I was hunting him.. I Figured it was God's way of telling me not to name them..

Author:  peacemaker [ Tue May 16, 2006 12:38 pm ]
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Ghghghghhghgahhghghgh . . . the "r" word . . .

Author:  Limbhanger [ Tue May 16, 2006 5:52 pm ]
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Not yet, but I've chased one two different mornings here in PA and he is on his way. I'll give him the rest of the week then he may have earned the right if he is still walking upright!

My money is on the bird at the moment. :shock:


Author:  tut [ Sat May 20, 2006 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep Goliath

Saw him on four different occasions. Biggest bird around and had terrorized all other birds on the property I hunted. He looked at least 1/3 bigger then any other bird I saw him with. Before the season I found him strutten with his girl friends with 5 other gobblers. He was the only bird that would fan or gobble. Everyone else kept their fans down and their mouths shut. I'm making plans for next year already.

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