Coming in like a goose
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Author:  tut [ Wed May 10, 2006 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Coming in like a goose

For a number of weeks I've been hunting a farm on a regular basis trying to pull in the boss bird (code named Goliath). I've made lots of mistakes in virtually every hunt, ranging from busting birds on the roost, to using a gobble shaker call on a gobbling bird still on the roost thinking he was Goliath (that sure didn't work as the bird shut up and flew off the roost in the other direction like an F-15).

Finally today I thought I'd try a new strategy and just put out a decoy on the edge of a corn field where I had seen multiple birds with hens circa mid-morning of previous hunts. Also decided I would get that decoy out in the field very very early.

Therefore at 330 am I got up, got dressed and headed out for my hunting area about 60 miles away. Finally, got to my hunting area at about 455 am. Made the trek to the location I had determined might be the best for the decoy. I was sitting in small island of tree's, surrounded by the cornfield and beyond the cornfield was a strip of tree's probably 75 yards wide and probably a 1/3 mile long. That strip of woods/tree's is where I had busted the birds off the roost a few weeks ago, and also where I had run the gobbler off the roost using the gobble call last Saturday.

Anyway, at 506 am the decoy was in the ground and I was sitting down nestled in an area that I had noticed last week while scouting, that gave me excellent cover, but still allowed a good shot out towards where the decoy was placed.

At 535 or so the woods were really starting to come alive with daylight and I had yet to hear my first gobble. Was starting to worry a bit. Finally heard one on the other side of the property and was wondering whether or not the game was going to be on or whether I had been foiled again. Was reaching down getting ready to pull out the power crystal to do some soft calling when a movement caught my eye.

Looked up and what do I see but a turkey sailing out of the patch of woods flying straight towards my decoy like a decoying goose. The bird sits his wings and flies directly over the decoy, curves towards my left and lands 15 yards from me. :shock:

From my concealed position there is no way he can see me and more importantly, he is faced looking straight away from me. I glance at my watch and it is 540. The bird is on the ground and hasn't yet made one peep.

For ten minutes (seemed like an hour) he looked the other way not moving anything but his head, standing in the old cornfield. His body didn't move an inch. All I could see was the dark body and a red head. Decided immediately I wasn't going to shoot until I was sure it was a gobbler and not a Jake. Anyway, I've got binoculars on him 15 yards away trying to find a beard, but he is still facing the wrong way. Finally he slowly turns toward the decoy and I see his head change color from just red, to red, blue and white. I then clearly see a nice beard and realize I've got a gobbler after all. Apparently a very subordinate gobbler, who was most likely really checking for Goliath before he commits to strolling over to the decoy.

I reach down very very slowly and pick up the 1187 loaded with Hevi-13 and try to contort my head and neck around a small cedar tree in front of me to line up the sights. End up trying to shoot sort of right handed with my left eye on the factory sights. Not a smart move. Finally think I've got everything lined up and yank the trigger and miss clean :(

The bird jumps forward and runs about ten yards and stops for a split second trying to figure what's going on. Line him up quickly (using the right eye this time with the gun pulled tight to the right shoulder) and touch off another round and he is down. Glance at the watch and its 552.

Thank the lord for allowing me to make so many mistakes and still score. Guess the man upstairs looks out for turkey hunting fools too. The bird weighs 18 pounds, 9" beard, 3/4" spurs with a beautiful full fan.

Now the rest of the story. This is my first Va Gobbler taken (had taken a Jake before) during the spring. I've taken several Rio's over the years (including two earlier this year), but had never taken an eastern before. I've made so many mistakes over the years in my pursuit of a Va. bird its hard to document them all. Only made the same mistake once (well mostly once), but sure have made different varieties of mistakes which would make most turkey hunter laugh (and maybe cry).

As I was walking back to the vehicle with the gobbler over my shoulder I was as happy as any man could ever be. Wanted to share the above with the board. Also want to thank my hunting buddy Vagrousehunter who has been ultra supportive of my efforts to bag a Va bird. I've used him as a sounding board on multiple occasions and he in large part helped me sort of figure out these eastern birds.

Wanted to share the above with the board. I enjoy my time scanning the board and am pretty much a regular, even though I don't post that often. Good luck to everyone for the rest of the season. I'll be out Saturday and try one last time to fill yet another tag. Tut

PS. figure my pattern was about the size of a softball at 15 yards when I missed my first shot clean. Lesson to oneself. Aim small hit small. :)

Author:  Bird Dog [ Wed May 10, 2006 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good for you! nothing like gobbler when you really need one! :lol:

Author:  Dale [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Mega congrats on your first VA gobbler. You played the game well!

Author:  WVBOY [ Thu May 11, 2006 9:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Great post.. congrats on your first VA longbeard..

Author:  T.W. [ Thu May 11, 2006 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats, Turkeys are turkeys but there is something special about a eastern, all those mistakes are what ever hunter goes through in becoming a good turkey hunter sounds like you are well on your way.

Author:  Gobblenow [ Thu May 11, 2006 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

That is EXACTLY how to kill a late season bird in open country. Scouting. Early and quiet. The miss is not part of the plan though. congrats. How was Kansas???

Author:  peacemaker [ Thu May 11, 2006 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congrats, Tut! That was a great post. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.

This is such a great place to hang out and learn!!

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