State license fees may be rising
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Author:  TScottW99 [ Sat May 06, 2006 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  State license fees may be rising

State license fees may be rising

THE VIRGINIA DEPART- MENT of Game and Inland Fisheries began accepting public comments Tuesday about a $5 hike to hunting, trapping and fishing licenses recommended by the agency's Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee during a recent board meeting.

According to a DGIF statement, the board overseeing the agency endorsed the proposed regulation amendment, which would go into effect July 1. Basic license fees would increase to $17 under the measure and the increases would only be applied to licenses for people age 16 and older.

The department hasn't raised basic license fees since 1988 and, according to a DGIF news release, "The board unanimously agreed that an increase will be needed to address a projected deficit situation with revenue flows by fiscal year 2007."

Upcoming expenses cited by the department include:

Structural or regulatory required work to dams it owns that are projected to cost more than $15 million;

Renovation related to discharged water issues at Coursey Springs Fish Cultural Station, which stocks 40 percent of the state's trout, which will cost more than $8 million;

Building maintenance and life cycle replacements including new roofs, heating and air condition upgrades identified in a state government deferred maintenance audit that will cost $2.5 million.

The release stated: "These issues are directly related to public safety and personnel safety and must be addressed. The Department is also evaluating staffing, vehicles, equipment, and services for additional efficiency measures that can be taken."

In analyzing these recommendations, I reviewed the minutes of the April 10 Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee meeting. Apparently, increases to nonresident licenses (currently $80 for a non-resident hunting license and $30 for a non-resident fishing license) also were examined.

Interestingly, the minutes stated the committee " felt that opportunities need to be explored to allow wildlife enthusiasts to contribute to the programs being provided, increasing wildlife replacement costs that are assessed by the courts, and insuring that services provided match the level of participation.

"The Committee feels that all citizens of the Commonwealth either directly or indirectly benefit from the mission of DGIF and that we must explore ways to have all of the citizens share in the funding of the agency."

Sherry Crumley, board member from Buchanan County, also noted for the committee record that department staff "must begin to develop a legislative plan (reciprocal nonresident license fees, an apprentice license, possible enhancements to the sportsman/combo license), and the Board may need to revisit its position on the Sunday hunting issue. Staff was also encouraged to look for opportunities to outsource some of the agency's efforts."

In response to an e-mail question about the committee's work, Crumley wrote: "As the number of hunters and fishers has declined, our nonconsumptive base has grown."

She called the fee hike a "Band-Aid," adding, "It will keep our heads above water.

"We have the challenge of finding new revenue sources," she added. "The General Assembly needs to understand that what DGIF does, improves and affects the quality of life of every citizen of the Commonwealth and we need financial help If only we could get what Missouri has: cent of every tax dollar goes to their state game agency. Our entire Secretariat of Natural Resources gets less than one cent of our tax dollar."

No doubt, to this writer's view, natural resources programs seem to get short shrift in a state that prides itself on the value of these natural resources to both resident quality of life and enjoyment of visitors. The department needs to be ever mindful of how funds derived from hunters and anglers are used in areas not relating to that constituency. Wildlife diversity programs are listed as the growth programs in terms of personnel in the state's budget summary.

The agency might benefit from a closer look at programs that overlap and might be consolidated. Outsourcing may also save money. Perhaps private hatcheries could meet the need for stocked fish without the department carrying staffing, overhead and maintenance costs for such operations.

Spending $8 million to address one hatchery's problems may seem pricey to some. These are things to think about when fiscal times are hard.

To see the finance and audit meeting minutes, go to dgif.vir ings_archive.html and click on the committee's April 10 meeting.

Comment online about the fee hike at, or mail comments to Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Attn: Phil Smith, Policy Analyst and Regulatory Coordinator, 4016 West Broad St., Richmond, Va. 23230. Comments also may be emailed, to regcom

The board is scheduled to take final action on this proposed regulation amendment at its June 20 meeting, to be held at 4000 W. Broad St. in Richmond. ... 006/188332

Author:  barry [ Sat May 06, 2006 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  state license fees may be rising

To add on to TScottW99's post, I'd like to mention the following:
After hearing of the proposed increase I emailed Sherry Crumley.
In addition to the $5 license fee increase there will also be a 50 cent increase in handling fees for license vendors thus making each license $18.
The kicker is that Non-resident license fees will only increse $5 as well unless a State code can be changed. Changing the code is out of Game Dept. hands however and will have to be done by the Legislature.


Author:  Dale [ Mon May 08, 2006 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Still a bargin in my book. Quite a few states have fees much higher than VA. Even though my confidence in the VDGIF is a bit shaken after the recent issues, I still believe that license fees are reasonable give the opportunities they afford us. I do think that all users of the National Forest, not just hunters and fisherman, should have to purchase a stamp. Hikers, campers, mountain bikers, birders, etc. all benefit from use of this type of property without the need to purchase a stamp.

Author:  reed [ Mon May 08, 2006 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Im glad i got my lifetime license for CHRISTmas a few years ago. Now i got a stupid ? cost of the actual licesne just going up or is it the big game tags also?

Author:  barry [ Mon May 08, 2006 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  state license fees may be rising

All license fees are going up.
Hunting, Big Game, Archery, Muzzle-loader, Cross-bow, Fishing, Trout stamp and Trapping. Not sure about bonus tags for deer.

I don't mind a fee increase, but their timing is a little off considering they haven't wrapped up the scandal over the improper use of department funds which just so happened to involve top ranking officers in the agency.


Author:  Neill [ Tue May 09, 2006 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hate to see it but probably inevitable......I just hope it doesn't get to where those on very limited income can't afford a license.

I really wish they'd come out with a lifetime license all fees included.

Author:  turkeyamature [ Thu May 11, 2006 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

put my 2 cents worth in on this. I don't mind paying for my right to hunt and fish as well. I am however upset that sport hunters/fisherman pay the bill for others who enjoy some of our public lands. I think everyone who uses national forest should be required to buy a stamp (4 wheel drive bike, hike, camp, etc). This has bothered me for a while

Author:  jp [ Fri May 12, 2006 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I put in my 2 cents worth also. Told them I'd support the increase if they allowed Sunday hunting. I hear that there is a lot of pressure building up over the Sunday hunting effort.

Author:  Freddy [ Fri May 12, 2006 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

The department hasn't raised basic license fees since 1988

I would say it's about time for an increase... I don't mind at all...

Author:  FlatLand Gobbler [ Fri May 12, 2006 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I guess the top dogs need to take another hunting trip :!: I hear this years trip is to Bora Bora :!: :shock:

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