What a day, I had a BLAST!!
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Author:  band teacher [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  What a day, I had a BLAST!!

So, I get up at 10 minutes to 4 this a.m. I head to a spot I hadn't hunted for a while. As I'm walking through the woods in the pitch dark with no flashlight, taking it slow so I don't make any noise, I hear a loud noise. Sounded something like a couple of dogs fighting, but much much harsher. I think it was a couple of coyotes fighting over a meal or something. I immediately hit the deck and loaded my gun b/c it scared to POOP out of me. As I'm loading the gun and the noise is still going, something comes running past me about 20 yards away and sounds like it never looks back. I didn't know if I should just lay there, or start yelling. So, I'm about 200 yards away from where I want to be, but I wait until gobbling time to move b/c I'm so scared. So, I get to my spot, and right as I get there, Gobble. I set up quickly b/c the bird is about 80 yards out. After sitting there for over an hour, I heard 6 different birds gobble less than 150 yards from me. And, after an hour, all 6 were still on the roost. that's right, at 7:00, the birds were still in the tree. Apparently, it was a coyote and I'm assuming they birds were scared to come down from the trees. I finally gave up and went to my "honey hole."

When I arrive I decide I'm going to film instead of kill, but I carry my gun just in case. As soon as I get in the woods and yelp, gobble obble obble obble. I knew it was 2 birds. I get closer, finally about 150 yards away and set up my deek and get all set up and ready for the hunt. I get my gun across my knees pointed out hoping I can ease it up on my shoulder one handed. Then I go to work. It only took about 10 minutes, if that long to get the birds to come in. I got about 15 minutes of the two birds on film. It was awesome, first time I ever recorded on camera any hunt. The birds stood within 15 feet of me staring in my direction for over 8 minutes. The even gobbled a few times at that range. I thought I was going to piss all over myself. What a rush. They finally got bored with my decoy and walked away. When they did I put the camera down and picked up the gun. He gobbled one more time and stuck his head up, and bang. I couldn't see but one bird when I made the kill, I ended up taking the smaller bird. :( He was only 17 1/2 pounds. His spurs were 3/4", and he had a 8 1/2 inch beard.

I will be taking camera again for some more awesome action next time.

Author:  Call1in [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Great story and great bird. I don't blame you for being scared because I sure would have as well......You never can tell what might happen in the woods....

Author:  barry [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  what a day, I had a Blast!!

Plenty of gobbling, birds up close, good video and some good tablefare. Oh yeah, the hair raising experience in the dark.
You definitely got the most out of that mornings hunt.


Author:  band teacher [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

forgot to mention that i had to shoot right handed (i'm a lefty), and I couldn't get the fun all the way up on my shoulder b/c of my position, and had to shoot off of my arm, just above my elbow.......boy I'm still feeling it today

Author:  Doug [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good job!! Started out scary but ended up with a great hunt.


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