Tips for birds that hold up
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Author:  kljerabek [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Tips for birds that hold up

I have hunted the same bird for the past 3 days and the same thing happens each day.....He responds to my calls but keeps moving away from me. I can't seem to get him to come my way even though he always responds to my calls. I think my problem is one of two things. First, I have been calling him from the East meaning that in order to come to me he would have to walk into the sun. I've heard that turkeys are reluctant to do this becuase walking into the sun limits their vision. Second, I have been calling every minute or so. Am I over calling? What do you guys think I should do?


Kelly Jerabek

Author:  Guest [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:31 pm ]
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kljerabek an old indian trick I often use on birds that hang up is calling from a longer distance with another type of call from what I have used in the past.

What I mean is to setup on him so that it is still an easy walk for him but get out much further away out 200 or 250 yards or so.

This sometimes works for me with a turkey that is hot gobbling and have hens still going to them in the morning. When the hens are through with the tom and he finds himself alone he will often remember the hen that he heard way over younder and come in for a looksee.

I have also had pretty good luck calling in the satelite birds that are scared of the top breeder using this strategy.
good luck iisabigone
PS I try not to hunt the same bird two days in a row. They get call shy fast if you do.

Author:  hendup [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:21 pm ]
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You might want to try calling only about every fifteen to twenty minutes. A lot of times this will make a wary bird come looking for you. The more you call the more he struts in the same place waiting for this really excited "hen" to pay him a visit. You can also try calling to him while walking away from him then slip back to where you started and he may close the distance thinking you're a hen leaving him. I've also killed a few birds that are steadily walking away from me by getting around them in the path they are traveling on. I would suggest using a locator call to keep him gobbling so you can keep tabs on him. He may be following a hen and gobbling at your calls hoping you'll catch up and join the party. Or, you can always go find a turkey thats a little more lonely.

Author:  barry [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  tips for birds that hold up

Had a bird like that years ago when I was mobile.
I hunted the bird several times throughout the season and he would hang up every time. I finally took a friend with me and we double teamed him. I set up in front of my partner about 50 yards and got the bird going with some calls. Once he was on his way my partner took over the calling and the tom walked right on in to easy shotgun range.
That bird was taken on the next to last day of the season and is still one of my favorite hunts.


Author:  kljerabek [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tips guys. I'll post back to let you know if I get him.

Author:  band teacher [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:45 pm ]
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a couple years ago I had a bird that came almost in range, I had a good shot, but was scared to take it at that range. He eventually went back sort of where he came from. As soon as he was out of sight, I jumped up, ran out of the woods, up a steep logging road, and around to the other side in the direction the bird was going. I had to run hard and fast, and as quiet as possible, was probably about a 10 minute hard hard run. I set up quickly, and then tried a different call I hadn't used. What do you know, he was 80 yards away just over a little hill. He cut me off when I yelped, and he came running. If you are able to get in front of him, it may work.

Author:  WVBOY [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

if you know where he is roosting in the same spot.. go into where you have been setup on him and call to him hard while he is on the roost .. probably exactaly what you have been doing anyway.. then about 10 minutes before flydown.. slip out backwards and circle him at a 180 from where you were and setup up again.. then wait tilll he flys down and wait another 10 minutes .. then just cluck and purr a few times about every 10 mintues.. may not work.. but I"ve had it work on gobblers that gobble hard and go the other way before..

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