Catching Up...
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Author:  Freddy [ Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Catching Up...


I've been out of pocket for the last several days and will be so for the rest of the week it seems. Congrats to everyone that's scored! The board is so busy I just haven't had the time to stay on top of it!

I've seen some great stories and great pics! Thanks for sharing!

Glad to see my buddy Hammer Dog registered and posting! HD... I got your voicemail and will give you a call soon!

Been on a couple great hunts the last several days. Had a friend and his girlfriend in hunting a couple days last week and we got on a nice gobbler the first morning that he was able to kill. We had birds in shotgun range the next 2 days but couldn't close the deal. We had some crazy weather but some good hunts and exciting action. For those of you that know I called in the Food Plot gobbler for him the 2nd morning only to have him slip out of our grasp from only 20 yards away. He pulled a fast one on us! Had another late morning hot gobbling turkey get bumped by a herd of deer as we were getting ready to setup and had another gobbler close in the rain storm but he wouldn't present a clear shot.

The McGuires can screw up some hunts as well! Today hunting with Amy was a comedy of errors! it started when we were running a little late, but I made up the time on the road. We headed to one of our farms that we've hunted twice and killed 2 gobblers. At daylight not a gobble on the farm... we heard 1 turkey gobble twice a ways off. We had seen a gobbler strutting in a field on a few trips by this place and so we setup some dekes and were planning on sitting there until 8:00. We didn't hold out that long and we were up and trying to locate a bird. Sure enough after going 100 yards a bird gobbled and then he gobbled a few more times on his own and we could tell it was more than one. We setup and I made a call that they enthusiastically answered from 150 yards. We sat and waited and I made a few more calls only to be answered by silence. I thought they were coming and figured they would come up this logging road at my 12:00 position. 5 minutes goes by and I have this feeling to look to my left... sure enough, there they are, but they now know I'm there too and they separate and one gives me a shot walking left to right and angling away. I have to shift my gun 45 degrees and he catches that movement and picks up the pace. As he hits the opening I took the shot but knew immediately that I shot behind him. Oh well, it was a clean miss! To add insult to injury on the way back out there was a big gobbler standing in the field where we were setup earlier!

We left there and I laughed a little and fussed a little and then decided to try for an old gobbler that's been pretty consistant in his location but only gobbles about once every three days. I slipped quietly into his lair and let things settle down for about 5 minutes and started some soft calling. Calling on and off for the next 10 minutes I finally see his white head pop up at 40 yards dead in front of me. He drops back down out of sight and I ready my gun and wait for this next head bob. His heads comes up again at 35 yards but is partially obscured by a laurel limb so I wait... after all he's coming. I wait... and wait... and wait... another 10 minutes at the ready and never see him again. He must have skirted my position to the left and stayed just under the hill. Oh well... there's always tomorrow!

Turkey have been responding well, we just haven't closed the deal!

Hope everyone continues to have a safe and successful season...

Author:  Gobblenow [ Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

based on what I know about the places you were hunting, I suspect this was a particulary bad day ...some days it just does not work.

Author:  Shaggy [ Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the update Freddy!!! Keep them coming!!!

Author:  CottonTop001 [ Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for sharing Freddie , for a while I was wondering if you would ever miss.I've been there. The one that has never had a day like that just hadn't been out there. I know for sure that when I think I've got ol'Cottontop figued out I am just about to get a big fooling.Good Luck and "Keep Looking Up"

Author:  Dale [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Went out this a.m. with Crigster and TScott, trying to help Crigster out with alittle tag team turkey game. Heard 5 seperate birds gobbling, some on roost but mostly after flydown. Nobody wanted to play with us three turkeys. Was a great morning to be alive and in the spring woods! Thought things were alittle quiet on the McGuire front.

Author:  TK582 [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

SO you dont use those new Heat Seaking #5's from Winchester..... You are human, Thanks for the cool updates!!!!!!!!!


Author:  criggster [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Dale and TScott for this mornings hunt. Maybe next time? I will give it another shot on Thursday. With that many birds surely they will play the game sooner or later.

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