had wheelin' hunt today
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Author:  barry [ Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  had wheelin' hunt today

We had our Wheelin' Sportsmen hunt today in Forest, VA.
Trust me, wheel chairs and mud, not a good combo.
All of the registered hunters showed up and braved the elements.

We had a great time. Everyone heard birds, we had a couple of misses, and nobody drowned.
Overall a successful day.

Some very appreciative people took to the woods today and they were happy just to be there.
We all could take some notes from these hunters.
#1. Don't take for granted the time you get to spend in the woods.


Author:  CottonTop001 [ Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great to hear Barry.Thats what it's all about my friend !! Don't get me wrong I like success as well as the next guy but some of our most memorable hunts are times when we just get to be out there and enjoy Gods beautiful creation.Did Harold from Christenburg make it ?He and his lady friend were really nice people and good hunters.Hang in there Buddy and "Keep Looking Up"

Author:  barry [ Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  had wheelin' hunt today

Hey CottonTop,
Yes, Harold and Darlene did indeed make the trip and participated in our hunt. You'll have to ask Darlene about her experience.


Author:  barry [ Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  had wheelin' hunt today

Something I forgot to do in yesterdays post, maybe getting up at 2:30 AM had something to do with it, I want to mention the dedicated volunteers that turned out for this hunt.

I had 17 of the best turkey hunters that I could find show up at 4:30 to take hunters they had never even met. 17 hunters giving up a day of hunting so they could help others. THANKS GUYS.

I think HODY even made a new friend as well.


Author:  HODY [ Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes I did Barry. I had a blast. We sat in the rain, well a blind. Make sure you understand that I was thanking the man that made my blind sat as it rained sideways. My hunter still had fun, we heard 2 birds in there but they never made it to our set as I had anticipated. We had a good time joking about the rain and the hunt afterwards. You know I really think they had a good time just getting out there. I enjoyed it. Thanks for the invite Barry, I will be glad to do this again next year. All I can say to anyone out there thinking about helping out with one of these, put yourself in the hunters shoes. If you were in that position how good would you feel to get out in the turkey woods. :wink:
Thanks to all of the other volunteers and landowners as well.

Author:  barry [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  had wheelin' hunt today


I'm already thinking about next years hunt and what we might do.
You are definitely invited.
From all that I've talked with, the guides had as good a time as the hunters and all want to do it again.
Next year could be big.


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