Ridge Top Runaround
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Author:  criggster [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Ridge Top Runaround

I have been hunting an area in the National Forest for two years now, and have yet to see one of these elusive birds. They will come to about 50-75 yards and hang-up EVERY time! They will not come around the side of, or up to the top of the ridge and show themselves. I've tried soft calling, no calling, purring softly, and aggresive calling, but nothing works! The only thing I have not tried is calling them downhill.

This morning was the closest I have come to seeing one. I jumped two birds off the roost at daylight going in. They were within 50 yards of the state road. So, I stuck to my plan and went to a spot they have been using to gather with their hens. I heard a couple of hens in the direction the two birds flew. At about 7:00 I finally heard a bird gobble about 250 yards away in the opposite direction. I started off soft calling, but he wouldn't move. I then threw the cutts to him and he resonded by gobbling more often. I then went silent.

I had ants starting to crawl all over me, and then they started biting. I got the old bird to within 40 yards, but again he would not show himself. While waiting, one of the ants crawled into my left eye! I heard him gobble further down the hollow. So, I eased back up the ridge about 30 yards, away from the ants and he came closer, but wouldn't show himself. By then it was 9:00, so I picked up my things and went to where I first heard him. I cutt and then used my box call to do two gobbles. After about 10 minutes he gobbled twice about 75 yards in front of me. I waited about 5 minutes and cutt, and nothing! After waiting another 20 minutes I had to leave.

How do you deal with these kinds of birds? My patience is wearing thin!

Author:  Freddy [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

You need a buddy to setup 30-40 yards behind you and do the calling...

Author:  gobbler74 [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  hard headed gobbler

get a friend to call behind you or actually move to a different location where he seems to be coming to and try to catch him circling. Have your friend call to him from a distance. I hope you can talk your friend into saving him for you if he gets a shot. These birds are frustrating but if your not having fun find a different bird. They're out there. Good luck. P.s. we've all been there.

Author:  band teacher [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

that's a tricky one. You could keep sitting tight, or do what I do sometimes. When a bird hangs up on me, I go to him. You just have to be careful how you move. Sometimes I'll try walking away from him. If he starts responding a lot when you walked away, then he doesn't want you to leave him, and then, move back closer, but keep calling softly to make him think you're still farther away. Sometimes maybe there's something keeping him from coming your way. A fence, creek, bunch of briars or blowed down trees. Sometimes, they just won't go through, over, or around that stuff. Keep working it though, it should pay off in the end.

Author:  band teacher [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

that's a tricky one. You could keep sitting tight, or do what I do sometimes. When a bird hangs up on me, I go to him. You just have to be careful how you move. Sometimes I'll try walking away from him. If he starts responding a lot when you walked away, then he doesn't want you to leave him, and then, move back closer, but keep calling softly to make him think you're still farther away. Sometimes maybe there's something keeping him from coming your way. A fence, creek, bunch of briars or blowed down trees. Sometimes, they just won't go through, over, or around that stuff. Keep working it though, it should pay off in the end.

Author:  Bird Dog [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I then threw the cutts to him and he resonded by gobbling more often. I then went silent.

I'd be inclined to give him more cuts mixed w/ some yelping get him real fired up . Instead of calling for an answer I'd only answer his gobbles, get him moving then just enough to keep him on track. Good luck.

Author:  criggster [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know that having somone to do the calling would be the ticket, but I just moved to Roanoke, and don't know anyone yet. Birddog, I tried cutting and answering him in the past, but it's the same old story. There is no reason for the birds to hang-up such as brush, creek, etc. I have had the same thing happen in several different locations. And, to make matters worse there is a low growing laurel about 18" high all over the place and it's been dry, so you can't move without making noise.

Author:  Freddy [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Crigg... noise is not always a bad thing... as long as it's noise that sounds like a turkey... try some scratching in the leaves and even "turkey steps" with your hand...

Author:  Dale [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Criggster...TScott and/or I'll will be glad to help you out with the buddy calling thing with you as the shooter. We've got a few National Forest birds to our credit. I'd get to know the terrain better. You're probably on the very edge of the strut zone. If he's gobbling, give him more of the good stuff. Non-verbal sounds, like Freddy suggested, may make the difference. Keep after them!

Author:  criggster [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Dale, I just may have to take you up on that offer! I have also tried the scratching in the leaves trick, and sometimes they would gobble at the sound, but still not commit. These are some real toughies! I'll send you a PM later.

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