Todays hunt, 4-19-06
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Author:  band teacher [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Todays hunt, 4-19-06

Another day, no turkey :(

I was set up about 80 yards from the gobbler on the roost. I just knew he would be mine. I yelped, and he cut me off. The next time he gobbled he was on the ground. About that time I heard yelping all around me. I was right in the thick of things. Hens all around me. They all flew down all around me and started feeding while the Gobbler made his way torwards us. He got withint about 50 yards, but there was some thick stuff between me and him so I was scared to take the shot. He strutted around in circles for about an hour. At one point 2 jakes came in very close and then they got into a little fight. The the big gobbler ran them off. It was very fun to watch it all. I was just praying that Tom would move a little closer, but the hens eventually carried him away from me. I tried for him later in the morning, but never heard or saw him again. He was the only gobbler with about 8 or 9 hens.

Author:  peacemaker [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, get that sad face outta here!! :wink: That sounds like a fantastic hunt!! I can't imagine how much you learned being right in the middle of the flock like that . . . in my book, without even trying to convince myself, that was a successful hunt! Way to go in finding them, getting close, calling at least well enough to not spook them :wink:, setting up well enough that you didn't get picked off, and staying still enough that they stuck around as long as they did!! You had a rare & special hunt this morning.

Author:  HODY [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:00 pm ]
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Remember it is not about the Kill but about the hunt. Sounds like you had a good one. You got to hear Hen sounds up close and that should be a lesson you wont forget.

Author:  iisabigone [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

band teacher Sounds like you had a great hunt this morning!

This morning I got set up in Brosville where I had heard a gobbler on monday and I heard him gobble once from the roost about 150 yards from me and then he went silent. I never saw or heard him fly down and never heard another peep.

On the way back to the truck I stopped to catch my breath and made a call at the edge of a field, a hen yelped back and soon came out in the field to investigate. A jake soon stepped out in the field and peered intently at me before sashaying down my gun barrel. I held off the trigger hopeing he would make it to next spring. They finally wandered off into the woods and I made it to work by 9:00am.

Im going to try this spot again in about a week.

Good luck and hang in there. iisabigone

Author:  Dale [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:54 pm ]
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I agree, no sad faces. You played the game and played it well. You had a close encounter with multiple turkeys. You won, regardless of whether the turkey took the truck ride home. Hody is right, should have been a great learning experience being up close and personal with all those birds.

Author:  Bird Dog [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

You tell him peace!

Author:  caddis [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Todays Hunt

Band Teacher...been there & done that twice this season...with not quite all the action you had...gobblin in a tree..and then complete silence, gobblin on the ground and then nothin...gobbler close with a few hens, etc...well...its time to take a One day brake...gonna go Bass fishin tomorrow....pullin the trigger ain't had a great hunt... :)

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