Fun Morning
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Author:  HokieGobbler [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Fun Morning

This morning I got into the woods around 5:30 and a little after 6 the birds started sounding off about 150-200 yards away. I gave a few tree yelps and the birds hammered back hard. They gobbled on the roost for about another 10 or 15 minutes and then shut up for a good while. They weren't answering my calls or anything. Eventually I heard one gobble and it was getting farther away. I walked on up in there where I had heard them on the roost and then set up on top of a ridge. I yelped a few times on the box call and heard the leaves rusting on the next ridge over. I then saw that it was a turkey and it was running fast. It started coming up my ridge and about 20 yards away it's head popped up like a periscope. All I could see was the head, it looked around for a minute then a gobbler sounded off in the direction that this one had just come from and it turned around and headed back that way. I'm pretty sure this one was a hen, but I never did get a good view of the chest to see if it had a beard. So after it left and I wasn't getting any responses for a while I decided to walk on over to the ridge where the bird I had just called in had gone. I set up over there and had 3 different gobblers hammerin just about every time I'd yelp. I worked those birds for probably 1-1.5 hours. They never did come in though. I'm guessing they had hens with them. So anyway, I'll try it again tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll try setting up on the other side of the birds in the direction that they went today.

Author:  Tyson [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey I go to Virginia Tech. I also gave them a try this morning, but didnt hear anything. Let me know if you want to get together to do a hunt. Are you hunting private or public land??

Author:  Fullback24 [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stay with em, Hokie, sounds like you're drawing a bead on em.

Author:  peacemaker [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Go get 'em Hokie!

Author:  BlackWater [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Another fun morning!!

This morning was another great morning afield with HokieGobbler. We heard plenty of birds and man were they fired up! We sat up a couple of times on different birds but couldn't compete with the hens. Hopefully if we stick with it HokieGobbler will get to knock his first in the dirt!!

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