what does spring gobbler season mean to you?
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Author:  barry [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  what does spring gobbler season mean to you?

I was reminded of what it means to me this past opening day. I was wide awake an hour before the time I had planned to get up saturday morning. As I lay there I realized that spring gobbler season is to me what Christmas is to a 6 year old.
A sleep deprived night filled with anticipation followed by a day I look forward to all year.
Each day is a gift and I can't wait to see what each sunrise will bring.
More and more I appreciate the sounds as the day comes to life.
I enjoy seeing the other wildlife that inhabits the woods.
I am thankful for the dogwood blooms and the morel mushrooms.
Hearing a thunderous gobble close by and getting the chance to work that bird, I couldn't ask for more.
I enjoy the tales of the hunt, whether mine or someone else's.

My list could go on and on, so I ask;
What does spring gobbler season mean to you?


Author:  JayMc [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm like you. I love being absolutely worn out from chasing turkeys.

Being in the woods as they wake up in the morning; watching familiar trees green out; getting on a gobbler is the icing on the cake!

I also love the fact that Easter falls during turkey season. Spring is a wonderful time of renewal for me, both physical and spiritual. My preacher is a turkey hunter and I don't mind telling him that there are mornings in the woods when I feel closer to God than during his best sermons :D

I was on a conference call this morning. CEO said "Jay, you've been quiet". My response, "the dogwoods are blooming and the turkeys are gobbling". I guess I should have said something about work too :D

Can't beat the spring!

Author:  Neill [ Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tommorrow's my Va opener and I'm pretty excited.....I'll get to hunt through Saturday and I'm opening for some good action.

I'm relatively new to spring turkey hunting and I find I enjoy it more each year. I especially like being out there now, in the early season, when the natural world is just waking back up after winter, and there is still a lot of contrast.

Author:  Rhino [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

If your CEO didn't agree and understand, that's his loss. Come to think of it, I haven't met a CEO yet that "got it". They're too worried about money and fame & other usless things, rather thant he important stuff.
Don't worry, you got it right.

Author:  JayMc [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Rhino wrote:
If your CEO didn't agree and understand, that's his loss. Come to think of it, I haven't met a CEO yet that "got it". They're too worried about money and fame & other usless things, rather thant he important stuff.
Don't worry, you got it right.

He got it and wants me to take him sometime. He killed his first deer, a doe, on his own farm last fall. He even butchered it himself. I'm working on him :D

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