Opening Day Success
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Author:  borntohunt [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Opening Day Success

Went to the woods this morning snd got set up under a big pine, set the decoys out about thirty yards in the field and waited on daylight. at 7:15 I had not heard a bird, probably because of the rain. I did a fly down cackle and flaped my wing. I got a instance response about 75 yards up the ridge. in just a few min three birds glided off the roost and into the field probably a hundred yards off, they were joined by five more birds soon after. i was giving a few soft yelps to get thier attention and they kept moving slowly away. it was a pretty sight watching the old boss tom strut around and then he would chase off the less dominate gooblers. finally at 8:30 i got out the old raspy mouth call and gave a few loud yelps and some serious cutting. they went crazy and goobled thier heads off. i seen the two lesser birds break off and head my way, they came across the top of a little hump in the field spotted the decoys and came in on a string. I shoot the biggest one of the two at seven yards. it weighed 20.4 lbs and had a 9 1/2 inch beard and inch spurs. not bad for a scrub :lol: the funny thing was that the shoot didnt effect the other birds at all. they continued to feed along the field and goobled to my calls. i guess me and wv boy might have to pay them another visit monday.

Author:  HokieGobbler [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:03 am ]
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Congratulations B2H!! Sounds like an exciting hunt

Author:  turkey721 [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:27 pm ]
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Well today is in the past now. Got to my hunting area around 5:30, NO RAIN. As I slipped up the ridge to where I thought the birds were it started to rain. This lasted for about 20min. Now the woods were comming alive and a bird sounded off about 75 yards from my setup. Another bird gobbled about 200yards (long ways off). I decided to set facing the closer bird. Well he gobbled about 5 times and went quite. I waited and called very softly, nothing again I called very softly. He went silent, but the other bird father away was gobbling good and moving my way. He gobbles once more and he was close. I shifted my self to his direction and waited. I started to hear the puffffff Vroooom of his strut and he was on the move to me. He way with 4 jakes no hens. I moved very slowly a little more spooking one of the jakes. I thought gig up, but he just stood there stutting at about 25 yards. He was a good two year old 9 1/2 inch beard 7/8 in spurs and weighed 19.2 oz a good bird. This was my first opening day bird ever and I have been out there for about 15-16 years. What a day, hope all stayed dry and had good luck. I will post pictures late, BTW how do I do that.


Author:  Gobblenow [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:28 pm ]
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Congrtulatins to BTH and 721...sounds like the best kind of opening day...just you and the birds and a little adverse weather o make it even more memorable...

Author:  hendup [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:33 pm ]
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Way to go guys!! Love to hear success stories.

Author:  Fullback24 [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:33 pm ]
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way to go fellers!!!

Author:  Doug [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:11 pm ]
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That is a good way to get the season started guys!!


Author:  jguilliams [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  congrats

Congrats Jon on the opener. The boys and I heard no gobbles this morning but we had fun with 6 hens who came to within 15 yards of our setup. No gobbler with them. I saw several hens today but no gobblers. Maybe next week.

Jason Guilliams

Author:  runngun [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:14 pm ]
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I havnt read what you other fellas wrote yet but i had a day like i will never have before. I bet you i heard over one hundred diffrent gobbles from who knows how many diffrent birds. There was not a ten second frame without a bird gobbling. I ended my morning when i called in a double beareded gobbler. Ten inch and 4.5 inch. and layed the smack down on him with #4's. By the way i was in southampton.

Author:  Beagle Man [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:06 pm ]
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Congratulations to you guys on fine birds! I was able to harvest a nice bird this a.m. in the middle of a down-pour. I arrived at my location at about 6:30 a.m. and struck a bird right off the bat he was gobbling his head off! I took two quick steps to setup and flushed a hen off the roost, which had me worried because he quit gobbling after she flushed. So I started calling to the bird but got no response, but after the rain slacked boom, GOOOBBLEE! He gobbled about two more times, slipped in on me silent strutting and I was able to make about a 35-40 yard shot on him. The results 22 1/2 lbs., 10 1/2 inch beard, one 7/8 of an inch spur and one 1 inch spur. All and all a great rainy day hunt that I will never forget. :D


Author:  Struttinbird [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congrats to all of you :D
Keep em Gobblin!

Author:  turkey721 [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

how do you post a picture? forgot how :D

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