GW National Forest Near Front Royal
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Author:  kljerabek [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  GW National Forest Near Front Royal

I am planning on hunting opening day in the GW National Forest Near Front Royal. I usually hunt on Quantico Marine Base but opening day is impossible to reserve a spot. I hunted GW National Forest on opening day last year and didn't hear or see a turkey. In fact, last year I only heard 4 birds all year in about 20 trips to Quantico/GW National forest.

Does anybody have any tips for me. I grew up in Wisconsin and since all of my relatives are farmers in Wisconsin I had access to literally thousands of acres of private land. Now that I'm trying my hand at hunting public lands here in Virginia I haven't been very successful.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. However, even if I don't hear a bird I will just love the excitement of opening day in 2 weeks.



Author:  WVBOY [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

The best advice I can give you is to Scout it this week and next if you can.. but I know it's quite a drive for you..

I heard a bird this morning just outside of Manassas, so I know there are a few around up here.. Quantico will also let you in early to scout if you call them and stop by the Range Control station and get a walking permit..

Author:  iisabigone [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had great luck hunting out past elizabeth furnace back in the late 70s when I was going to school in Middletown.

I had my best opportunities by getting high before gobbling time and listening and working from there. I hope you are in good physical condition and are use to working hard for your bird.

I havent hunted in that part of Virginia since 1979 I think and I could not hunt that type of terrain effectivly now. Im an old fat guy now, but I have a lot of patience.

I had to put a lot of work into hunting those birds but some of my most cherished memories involve those hunts.

Good luck iisabigone

Author:  kljerabek [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks alot for the information. Last year I tried right near the river. I was thinking about trying to hike as high up as I could in order to be able to hear a little better. I will definitely try that tactic.

I think that working for a bird will make it that much more memorable.

Thanks again for the information.


Author:  peacemaker [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 


I spend most of my time hunting in the NF. I've had several heart-pumping, knee-shaking moments with turkeys out there. They're out there!! I always try to get out further than most people, although I've heard plenty of birds close to the roads on limited-time-before-work hunts. The first few days of the season get the most pressure, but after a week or two there just aren't many people around. Other than the drive time, I don't consider hunting public land in VA to be a handicap at all!!

Author:  kljerabek [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:03 am ]
Post subject: 

There certainly are plenty of acres out there to hold turkeys. I am going out there for Virginia's Trout Heritage Day this saturday so I will scout before I start fishing. I guess that each year that I go hunting out there I will learn more about the area and figure out where the birds are. I think that putting in a little scouting time should help me out.

Thanks again guys.

Author:  HokieGobbler [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I just went out scouting on public land this morning and saw 2 gobblers and a hen and heard several more gobbler's coming from different directions. I found this spot about a week ago, but I had been scouting 4 times before I found any. The way that I found this flock was by hiking up to the highest ridge in the area one morning and letting out an owl hoot and I heard 'em probably about a mile away. Then Sunday morning and this morning I went out to the area where I had heard them to find their roost trees, and where they go once they fly down. They're definitely out there, I'm just afraid there are gonna be other hunters in "my spot" come opening morning.

Author:  kljerabek [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I definitely think I'm going to try and get up as high as I can this Saturday. Hopefully I will be able to hear some gobblers.

Author:  peacemaker [ Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:26 am ]
Post subject: 


Sounds like you've got better info on your birds than a lot of guys!! I hope you don't have to compete with other hunters, but always remember there's plenty of room out there for just about anybody. Last season, I went to my favorite spot early only to find a truck already there. I could have tried to get in back there & hopefully avoid the other guy, but that's 1) not very smart or safe and 2) not something I would want someone else to do when they saw my truck. Disappointed, I turned around and headed back down the road. I stopped after a quarter mile or so, shut off the motor, opened the door, and :D there was another gobbler I had no previous knowledge of sounding off below me!! I didn't take him home with me, but it was a great hunt!! If we can all be courteous & safe out there, and be willing to share the land, hunting public land in VA will continue to be a pleasure for us all. Getting pushed out of "my spot" was a great thing for me! :wink:

Author:  Limbhanger [ Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Peacemaker,

I wish everyone would abide by your hunting ethics. I hunt 95% on public land in PA, VA, WV, and MD and unfortunately not everyone, and in fact most don't keep going when they see your truck, particular here in PA. When hunters see a truck here I swear its an invitation to stop and hoot. I hunt by your rules and do as I hope others will do to me but it gets a little frustrating more often then I'd like.

Anyway, still lots of good hunting on public land, you just have to take the good with the bad and keep chugging along.


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