Quiet opening week so far...
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Author:  Bigmeat [ Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Quiet opening week so far...

Been turkey hunting pretty serious since about 1998 when i got out of college. In those years since I can probably count on my fingers and toes the number of days where i didn't at least hear a gobble. Some might say that's hard to believe but i can't recall very many gobbleless days over the years. Monday was the opener in both WV and MD so i had to choose. Went to WV where i have had continued success for the better part of 10 years now. It was cold with a front moving in but decent at daybreak. No gobbles heard all morning. Struck up one hen that i never saw. Snow moved in, I moved out. Tuesday went to some MD public ground I found birds on last spring. When i got there, 4 inches of snow remained. Snow moved in, I moved out. No gobbles. Yesterday and today with much better weather I went back to WV. In 4 days i still haven't heard the first gobble of the season. Another hen today, we made a lot of racket but no gobbles rang out. I see scratch, feathers and turkey poop and can hear a country mile on this mtn side. I have pictures on my game camera from March of a few jakes but no longbeards. I've heard no shooting or sounds or signs of other hunters. The most unusual opening week i've ever had to say the least. I will try again tomorrow in MD hoping the snow has melted. All i can do is press on. I've seen it a bunch this spring, "I do not turkey hunt because i want to, I turkey hunt because i have to" - Tom Kelly I believe. And I also remember Rob keck used to sign off the NWTF hunting show years ago with "And remember, it's not about the gobbler, it's about the gobble". I can for sure say that if turkeys did not gobble, i would not hunt them. Here's to hoping business picks up soon.

Author:  Gobblenow [ Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quiet opening week so far...

I have been lucky to have killed some birds in Ky and In Tn but honestly it is slow as you have described most days. I do t k so if we have shot al the birds carrying the gobbling genes or if there are just not as many birds out there or what. I watched several LB along time today. Made a lot of calls. They just woul not answer and they were in groups of 3-4. By themselves. Doesn’t make sense. It was all I could do in Ky to find a place to set up where I had seen birds after a full day of scouting On the day prior to the opener. All I can say is I’ve seen a lot of pretty sunrises. I’ve seen some terrible crappy cold windy snowy rainy weather too.

Several excellent turkey hunters are atruggling to find a gobble That is a common theme this year.

Persevere. It will happen hopefully.

Author:  Vic [ Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quiet opening week so far...

It's been real quiet up here too. I know quite a few good hunters not working a bird yet. Today I was lucky and heard a roost gobble to my crow. We set up and I worked a bird into 25 yds and my bud made a good shot and a 2 yrs old bird is down. Got to admit I was a little gitty hearing that first gobble. It's been a while.

Author:  Greyghost [ Thu May 19, 2022 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Quiet opening week so far...

It was a very quiet year.


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